"RSVPing" is important A No-show will cost you!
A No-show will cost you!
Dear readers, it is time
for me to lay it out. I am far from perfect! When I accept an invitation and
then I don’t show up? I feel bad, really bad.
I might have lost a
friend because of my lack of discipline and consistency. A couple of months ago
we received an invitation from dear friends for a get-together, nothing fancy:
just neighbour getting together for a good night of conversations and sharing. The
invitation called for an rsvp, which of course we did promptly.
requires answering an rsvp within 3-day to a week, from reception date. Enough
time for the hosts to take care of all the details surrounding a reception by
knowing how many people will show up. Except that, on the day of the party, I, and
my significant other, decided to take a long walk under a wintery rain. Wind
blowing in our faces and the elements were deliberately tackling us, so much
that when we came back home at the end of the afternoon, we literally
crashed…slept only to wake up when we were expected to arrive at the party.
Then we spiralled downward…we did not call, we did not excused ourselves, we
became invisible, avoiding our own demeanour…So much so, I am now living in
shame ( a tad exaggerated but close to truth).
An article written
not long ago by Susie Boyt and published in the Financial Times explained that
frustrated hosts decided to take action: if you rsvp and don’t show up, you
will be fined! The rationale is simple, hosts are spending hard earned money to
create a lively ambiance with food and drink for you to enjoy. This is
especially true when it comes to kids birthday parties where not only there is
hired entertainment but loot bags to make your little angel think it is the
Holiday Season all over again. If 15 kids are expected and only 8 show up, it leaves
a sour taste; therefore, the idea of sending a bill. You commit or you pay! It
might seem a bit drastic but it might take just that for people to learn what “rsvp”ing
means: simple – Yes or No!
RSVP has been around
for a long time. It stands for “Répondez s’il-vous-plaît” which means “Please
respond”. The imperative form in the French should have given us a clue: No
Show is not an option! It is an importance piece of protocol which goal is to
enable the allocation of resources.
Today, we sadly see more
and more people showing no comprehension of politeness strategies. Responding
to an invitation in due-fashion is important. Showing up and being agreeable is
the logical and the subsequent well-mannered comportment. Sadly, we take
friendships for granted and, as we feel entitled to be wined and dined in great
style, we forget the effects of our action, or should I say, of our inactions.
In the case of my improper behaviour, I have not received a fine for my
no-show. The dire consequence of my egoistical moment is that I’ve might have
lost a friend. This in itself is pathetic. It lowers my quest for a civilized humanity
to accepting an era where bad manners are becoming the norm. If I could
apologize to my friends, I would beg to give me another chance. I promise, I
will never ever again be one of those “no-show”!